Are Clean Nails Essential For Wellness?

Have you ever thought how your nails can play a role in determining your overall health? Having some bumps, ripples, tinges or whitish nails might be a strong indication of sickness or illness in the body. Issues in the respiratory system, heart and liver can appear in your nails. Read on to learn more secrets your nails are able to reveal.

sick nails

Nails that are very pale could signs of some health conditions, such as:

  • Malnutrition
  • Liver diseases
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Anaemia

Dark lines below the fingernail should be examined as you noticed them appearing. They could be as a result of the most dangerous skin cancer known as melanoma.

If the skin around the fingernail seems to be red and swollen, this is known as swelling of the nail fold. It may be the result of ligament problem or lupus. Infection can also cause soreness and swelling of the fingernail fold.


Why stress your hair and skin care when you can DIY?


Problem: A volcano just erupted on your nose in the form of a pimple and you have a big dance in a few hours.

Solution: Don’t pick the pimple or make it pop; doing this will only make it more glaring. Use a gentle cleanser to wash it and apply some salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Use a mild layer of oil-free cover-up, which won’t obstruct your pores and cause more pimple breakouts.

Image may contain: 1 person, closeup


Problem: You got yourself burnt will trying to get a tan. Your skin is now glowing red and peeling.

Solution: A moisturizer containing natural aloe-vera may help soothe the agony sensation and make your cracking skin a bit unnoticeable. Peeling usually continues for a while, as your entire body eliminates the broken layer. To prevent skin burning and enhance your skin’s health, use a broad spectrum sunscreen when you leave the house and don’t forget to re-apply it after staying a few hours under the sun.



Problem: Your arms look like they belong to King Kong!

Solution: Investigate and find out if your family members were hairy. Teenagers can idolize certain bodily features that most individuals might consider absurd. If you still want to complete the task, try a depilatory, which gets rid of hair using some chemicals. Seek medical advice as to which brand is best for you. Use a moisturiser subsequently to avoid discomfort or Kiara Sky nails. Shaving the hairs would only make them, grow stubbly so that isn’t recommended.


Road Trip

I love road trips. This love probably started when I was young. We would travel as a family from our home in the Chicago area to all sorts of places across the country. Florida. Michigan. Texas. Wisconsin. Washington D.C.

And then there was the biggest, longest, most anticipated road trip of all…. one month in an RV exploring the Western United States. That was a blast. Three couples and their kids. I think I was about 11 years old at the time. We would camp at a different campground just about every night. We probably stayed in Colorado a few extra. It was beautiful….. one day there wasn’t enough. And I’ll never forget the first time I saw the Pacific Ocean. It was awesome, especially for a child.

I remember another road trip in particular. It was when I moved from the Chicago area to Las Vegas to attend UNLV (University of Nevada- Las Vegas) for its premier Hotel and Restaurant Administration program. I had just turned 18 and was leaving home for the first time. I had a car and a motorcycle then and I was wanting to get both out to Vegas. My step-father offered to follow me out on the motorcycle. He was 40 years old at the time and considered this somewhat of a personal challenge. We would be driving over 1500 miles in the heat of the summer. Me in the car, him on the motorcycle. On top of all that… we had to be to Vegas by a certain time so I could get things lined up for school. We had to make the whole distance in less than three days. I asked him if he was sure he wanted to do this. He said he wouldn’t have it any other way. In fact, he had only one requirement: He got to ride the motorcycle the whole way. That, and a plane ticket back to Chicago.

Long story short……. we made it without any issues. Through a driving rain storm in Missouri, through the wind and heat of New Mexico and Arizona. Day and night, other than some quick naps at rest stops, nothing but driving. I would look back at him in my rear view mirror and almost feel sorry for him, me being in the AC and all. The conditions for him got pretty rough at times. But most times he looked like he was having a blast. I was glad we made the trip.

Our family just came back the other day from another road trip to Tucson. This is something we’ve done over the winter holidays for the past three years. 1400 miles in two days on Monday/ Tuesday and then 1400 miles back home on the following Monday/ Tuesday. Approximately 24 hours drive time each way (You’ve got to make a lot of stops when you’ve got 8 people traveling together). One thing I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older…. Sitting in a vehicle for that long tends to make you stiff/ sore a lot faster than when you’re younger.

But for me this trip really seemed to go better than the previous two years. We had two vehicles on the way home. I did all of the driving in one of them. My wife and our 19 year old son Anthony drove the second vehicle. Anthony started out from Tucson but needed my wife to take over when he got tired/ fatigued. On the other hand, I was feeling pretty good throughout the trip. Could it have been because of the work-outs I was doing on the ROM Machine? I think that had something to do with it….. I’ve definitely noticed an increase in my endurance. Or maybe it was the jumping jacks my wife and I did at the gas stations to get our blood flowing? (That seemed to get the attention of a lot of people). I can’t prove it, but…….. it seems like this fitness program is having some other benefits that I hadn’t even considered before. Like making road trips more enjoyable.

Here’s hoping your next road trip goes well. And don’t worry about those people that stare at you when you do those jumping jacks.
